Chris Smith

Web developer. Deep experience with Ruby on Rails and mobile.
Creating interactive books about CoffeeScript and JavaScript MVC.

Living in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.



  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • CoffeeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Java
  • iOS
  • Heroku
  • AWS
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • jQuery
  • Backbone.js
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Google Maps



Design, development, and marketing of an interactive, Web-based learning platform.


Backbone + CoffeeScript |

A full-length book on Backbone.js and CoffeeScript with an interactive environment that one reader called a potential "game changer in the world of programming literature."

CoffeeScript's first fan blog, with over 100,000 visits. DZone Most Valuable Blogger.


Principal Software Engineer | VitalVu '11 - present | Salt Lake City, UT

Design, development, and maintenance of a Rails 3.2, Backbone.js, iOS, and Google Maps application for tracking the mobile assets of a publicly-traded Canadian corporation.

Principal Software Engineer | Mozy '10 - '11 | Pleasant Grove, UT

Development of complex features for a large-scale and mission-critical Ruby on Rails application at one of the world's largest cloud backup services.

Lead Software Engineer | Podfitness '08 - '10 | Sandy, UT

Core contributor to a multi-year development effort on a Ruby on Rails and JavaScript mobile fitness product.

Senior Software Engineer | Medem '07 - '08 | San Francisco, CA

Team lead in agile, test-driven Web application development using Java, Spring, and Hibernate for a health-care startup.

Java Consultant and Trainer | Chris Richardson Consulting '06 - '07 | San Francisco, CA

Consultant to health-care startup Medem with Cloud Foundry creator Chris Richardson, providing training and software design in Agile, Java, Spring, and Hibernate.

Senior Software Developer | Mobile Development LLC '05 - '06 | San Francisco, CA

Leading role in the rewrite of a business-critical Java Web application for a Forbes Global 2000 financial-services company.

Core Software Developer | Location Labs '02 - '05 | San Francisco, CA

Responsible for Java-based application servers, MySQL and Oracle databases, and Web services APIs for mobile products.


Master of Journalism | U.C. Berkeley

B.A., English and Spanish Literatures | Stanford University