Class: Google::Api::MonitoredResourceDescriptor

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An object that describes the schema of a MonitoredResource object using a type name and a set of labels. For example, the monitored resource descriptor for Google Compute Engine VM instances has a type of +"gce_instance"+ and specifies the use of the labels +"instance_id"+ and +"zone"+ to identify particular VM instances.

Different APIs can support different monitored resource types. APIs generally provide a +list+ method that returns the monitored resource descriptors used by the API.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might be used in documentation.


  • (String)

    Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might be used in documentation.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/logging/v2/doc/google/api/monitored_resource.rb', line 55

class MonitoredResourceDescriptor; end


Returns Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be displayed in user interfaces. It should be a Title Cased Noun Phrase, without any article or other determiners. For example, +"Google Cloud SQL Database"+.


  • (String)

    Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be displayed in user interfaces. It should be a Title Cased Noun Phrase, without any article or other determiners. For example, +"Google Cloud SQL Database"+.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/logging/v2/doc/google/api/monitored_resource.rb', line 55

class MonitoredResourceDescriptor; end


Returns Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored resource type. For example, an individual Google Cloud SQL database is identified by values for the labels +"database_id"+ and +"zone"+.


  • (Array<Google::Api::LabelDescriptor>)

    Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored resource type. For example, an individual Google Cloud SQL database is identified by values for the labels +"database_id"+ and +"zone"+.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/logging/v2/doc/google/api/monitored_resource.rb', line 55

class MonitoredResourceDescriptor; end


Returns Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor: +"projects/{project_id}/monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}"+ where {type} is the value of the +type+ field in this object and {project_id} is a project ID that provides API-specific context for accessing the type. APIs that do not use project information can use the resource name format +"monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}"+.


  • (String)

    Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor: +"projects/{project_id}/monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}"+ where {type} is the value of the +type+ field in this object and {project_id} is a project ID that provides API-specific context for accessing the type. APIs that do not use project information can use the resource name format +"monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}"+.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/logging/v2/doc/google/api/monitored_resource.rb', line 55

class MonitoredResourceDescriptor; end


Returns Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type +"cloudsql_database"+ represents databases in Google Cloud SQL. The maximum length of this value is 256 characters.


  • (String)

    Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type +"cloudsql_database"+ represents databases in Google Cloud SQL. The maximum length of this value is 256 characters.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/logging/v2/doc/google/api/monitored_resource.rb', line 55

class MonitoredResourceDescriptor; end