Class: Google::Type::LatLng

  • Object
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An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges.

Example of normalization code in Python:

def NormalizeLongitude(longitude):
  """Wraps decimal degrees longitude to [-180.0, 180.0]."""
  q, r = divmod(longitude, 360.0)
  if r > 180.0 or (r == 180.0 and q <= -1.0):
    return r - 360.0
  return r

def NormalizeLatLng(latitude, longitude):
  """Wraps decimal degrees latitude and longitude to
  [-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0], respectively."""
  r = latitude % 360.0
  if r <= 90.0:
    return r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude)
  elif r >= 270.0:
    return r - 360, NormalizeLongitude(longitude)
    return 180 - r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude + 180.0)

assert 180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(180.0)
assert -180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(-180.0)
assert -179.0 == NormalizeLongitude(181.0)
assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(360.0, 0.0)
assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-360.0, 0.0)
assert (85.0, 180.0) == NormalizeLatLng(95.0, 0.0)
assert (-85.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-95.0, 10.0)
assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(90.0, 10.0)
assert (-90.0, -10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-90.0, -10.0)
assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-180.0, 10.0)
assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(180.0, 10.0)
assert (-90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(270.0, 10.0)
assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-270.0, 10.0)

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].


  • (Float)

    The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].

# File 'lib/google/cloud/vision/v1/doc/google/type/latlng.rb', line 63

class LatLng; end


Returns The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].


  • (Float)

    The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].

# File 'lib/google/cloud/vision/v1/doc/google/type/latlng.rb', line 63

class LatLng; end